Pickled Mixed Salad

mami kerekenHello Everyone!

Everybody loves pickles and I’m no exception.  However, after a while they tend to become a bit boring.

Hungarians like to serve pickled specialties with Hungarian Goulash (Not goulash soup), Chicken Paprikash, roasts and sandwiches.  You will soon see that you don’t have to serve pickles all the time.

pickled goodness 2A


Today I will share each recipe separately and give you some advice how to serve them.  You won’t be disappointed and have a new pickled goodness to go to everyone you would serve pickles.  No, this is not a picklewar on pickles 🙂  I simply would like to give you an different option as it is nice to have variety when it comes to cooking and eating.

Today I am sharing with you a mixed vegetable salad called “Csalamadé” in Hungarian.  Translating it would be quite difficult however it is best described as a Mixed Pickled Salad.


Please only use stainless steel pots to make the brine!


  • 1 small green cabbage, shredded (by mandolin or a knife)
  • 1 small chili pepper, sliced (hot or sweet, your choice)
  • 1 large onion, sliced
  • 5 cloves of garlic, peeled, slicedcaraway seeds 2
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 tablespoon fresh dill, chopped or 1 tsp dry dill
  • 1 tsp caraway seed
  • 1/2 tsp coriander seed
  • 1 tbsp. salt for 1 liter of brinedill bright
  • 1 tsp sugarbors bright
  • 20 peppercorns (any color)
  • 1 cup vinegar
  • 1 allspicechili pepper
  • 2 jars with a lid
  • ladle for brine to transfer into jars
  • 2 medium size cucumbers (about 10 cm long) sliced

pot with waterTIP

  • You may also grate a large carrot into the salad as the traditional recipe calls for it.
  • Brine should always be very hot.
  • Always use stainless still pot
  • Always sterilize jar


Shred cabbage, slice pepper, peppercorns, onion, chop dill and place in a large glass mixing bowl.   If you are using dry dill you may also sprinkle it on top of the veggies.  Mix well by hand, so the dill is coating everything.

Stuff the veggie mixture into jars (usually two pasta sauce size jar is enough) and add a bay leaf into each.  Stuff as much veggie into each jar as you can.

Ladle the brine into the jar, on top of the veggie mixture until completely full.  Do not let it overflow.  Close lid tightly and place jar on counter upside down for about 10 minutes.  This helps the sealing process.

After 10 minutes turn back jars ad let completely cool before placing it in the fridge.  It is ready to serve in about 1 week and lasts for months.


Everyone time a dish calls for pickles to be served on the side, simply reach for this salad instead.  As mentioned in the beginning, Hungarians served pickled salads with almost every single main dish, including Hungarian Goulash, Roasts, Schnitzels, Meatloaf etc.