Queen’s Breakfast (Kiralynoi Rantotta)

rantotta tanyeron 1Hello Everyone!  mami christmas

As you know my favorite hobby is cooking and baking, so I spend countless ours either in the kitchen, or shopping for wonderful ingredients and of course during these shopping trips getting inspired to create new recipes to share with you.

This lovely little breakfast, snack or picnic idea is no exception.  There are many ways you can re-create my recipe and make it your own.  You may change the hers, the cheese and even the meats that you use or leave them out entirely.  It’s all up to you as I always say, I give you the recipe and you can make it your own as it is not carved in stone.

TIPrantotta 1

Remember to dice everything into tiny pieces


12 eggs (for 6 people)
1/2 teaspoon salt
4-5 mushrooms, cleaned, diced
1 small onion chopped
1/2 red / yellow/ orange bell pepper(each) diced
1/2 small tomato, diced
3-4 tbsp of shredded cheese (any firm cheese)
2 tbsp of chopped cilantro or parsley leaves

rantotta 2Chop everything into tiny cubes and put aside. Place the egg into a bowl, add salt and lightly whisk with a fork or a hand whisk.

Mix together all the other ingredients with the cheese. Place muffin liners into muffin pan or ramekins.

You may also just butter the muffin thin or ramekins. That’s what I do. Add 2 tbsp of the vegetable mixture into each, pour eggs equally over it and bake at 375F for 20-25 minutes or until golden. Serve for breakfast, brunch or any time for a quick snack.

You may change the filling to sausages, beef, other vegetables. Remember it is up to you. Add your favorite herbs for an extra kick.

Bon Appetite!

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